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Item ID: 81733437

Others Unmarked OTHER :Misc. Construction Attachment

Easley, South Carolina
Serial Number
7364RF, 27654S

- Other-Unmarked-Other

Basic information
Category:Misc. Construction Attachment
Make Unmarked OTHER
LocationEasley, South Carolina
CountryUnited States
Price1,825 USD
Unit NumberRental K241417
Serial Number7364RF, 27654S
Additional informationThe Model RF is designed to clean 3”-6” lines for distances up to 100’ and is ideal for both the homeowner and contractor. The unit runs either 5/8” or ¾” cable and is built on a rugged 1 ¼” steel tubing frame with an open cage for quick inspection and easy cleaning.

Large 10” wheels allow for easy maneuvering and a 20” power cord with a built in GFCI protects the operator. A typical application for the Model RF is cleaning tree roots from a main sewer line that runs from the house to the street.

Snap-lock tool connector holds cleaning tools securely in place; no screws required to connect tools.

In addition to all the benefits and features of the standard Model R, the auto feed version allows the operator to advance and retrieve the cable with the push of a lever. The cable runs through a guide spring which keeps hands off the rotating cable for added safety.

Additional information

Cable Length

Up to 100ft.

Cable Diameter

5/8in., 3/4in.

Minimum Drain Size


Maximum Drain Size




Power Details

1/3 HP
The Model S Hand-held 1/2″ drill-powered machine can be used for cleaning small, inside lines 1 1/4″ – 2 1/2″ in diameter up to 35 Ft. Double insulated commercial grade 1/2″ heavy-duty drill for shock prevention. Lightweight stainless steel cable drum won’t rust, break or crack. Cast aluminum hand guard is designed for safety and ease-of-use. Cable available in 1/4″, 5/16″, and 3/8″ diameter. Expanded end or drop head cable in 15′, 25′, 35′ sections.

Additional information

Cable Diameter

1/4in., 5/16in., 3/8in.

Cable Length

25ft., 35ft.


1/2in Reversing Drill, Variable Speed 0-600RPM

Maximum Drain Size

2 1/2in.



Power Details

3.2 Amps, 120v
Verrified sellerVerified Seller
+1 (864)8844812
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Seller contact info
Eric King
K-Tech Equipment Sales
+1 (864)8844812
Please tell the seller that you found their machine for sale on Ritchie List
1787 Dacusville Highway, Easley SC 29640, United States
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