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Want to know more about the condition of the used equipment you're considering purchasing through Ritchie List? Have equipment inspected by Ritchie Bros. Inspection Services and know exactly what you're getting with a thorough, accurate equipment condition inspection and comprehensive report.

Inspections start at US$350
- book yours today!

  • Buy with confidence

    With our inspection reports, you can be confident that what you see in the report is what you get when you receive the equipment.

  • High-quality inspections

    Each inspection has a minimum of 35 high-resolution photos, and customizable options to get the information you need, such as fluid samples, tire, and brake measurements, undercarriage measurements, and more.

  • Expert team & reliable reports

    Our 400+ inspectors have extensive working and mechanical knowledge in equipment and trucks across all the major industry sectors, and our inspection reports are recognized as the industry standard.

With over 100,000 inspections performed each year for every industry, nobody does inspections better than Ritchie Bros. Inspection Services.

Contact us today to get started